An assessment for
Business Owners & Career Changers

YouMap® turns insight into action, guiding career changers and entrepreneurs as they take steps towards goals much quicker.  

Why YouMap®?

YouMap® reveals how to apply your strengths in ways you value and engage your interests through skills that motivate you. This holistic assessment profile is a foundation of self-awareness for endless personal and professional uses. 

YouMap® is an award-winning profile which includes a companion workbook for entrepreneurs, career changers, and job seekers to turn insights into practical action as they progress on their path.

get clarity on your Career & Business goals

What Is YouMap®?

client testimonial:

“YouMap® helped me to better understand the "why" behind wanting to start my own business. In the process I learned more about myself and I could focus more on my goals and how to plan, grow, and market my small business in the best way. I felt more confident after leaving my 9-5 job and now I know my business will scale and I can run it feeling strong and sure of myself."