Let's Produce Your Best Life TOGETHER!

As a Television Producer, I know a few things about how to get things done quick, creatively, and on budget. My specialty is taking an idea and bringing it to life on the big screen, or in real life. 

Through my coaching, I work with clients to get clear on a goal and take that first action step towards change. Whether it's a career path or launching a business, that first step can feel like the hardest if you don't have someone by your side.

Knowing you need support and guidance to get you where you want to go is key.

Succeeding together...is the fun part! 

As a career changer and small business owner myself, I know your challenges.
I wish I had an accountability partner when I was starting my career transition. It would have saved me time, heartache, mis-steps. Plus, I may have achieved my goal faster with more confidence too. 

1:1 CAREER & BUSINESS coaching


*Career Transition Coach, YouMap® Coach, 
Small Business Owner, Podcast Host, Speaker, & Mom


Let's Get You Started With The Support You Need!

  • creating a plan to take action?
  • creating a new personal brand? 
  • getting in front of the right hiring manager?
  • scaling your small business?
  • hiring and growing a team?
  • marketing yourself or your business?
  • managing cash flow as you grow?
  • balancing work-life harmony in your new role?

Ready to launch or grow your business? Let's chat!

It is time to produce your best life. Let's take this leap together!
Let's chat!
I'd love to help you get to your goal!

Are you struggling with...

Email Me


Let's Produce Your Best Life Together! 

 "I was an elementary school teacher for 15 years. I decided to leave teaching to focus on building my business.  Shannon has helped me work through these fears and doubts and believe in myself more. She has helped me grow and explore this new business opportunity. I am so grateful for her guidance and support. I would highly recommend her to anyone looking for a reliable, compassionate, kind, knowledgeable coach."

-Meggan M.

What Clients Are Saying...

"Working with Shannon was exactly what I needed to take my business to the next level! When I first started with Shannon I was nervous to go "all-in" with my Health Coaching business, however after our time together I left my full-time job with confidence, excitement, and more clarity than I could have ever dreamed of.
I whole-heartedly attribute my success to Shannon's expertise, guidance, and support in such a crazy time of my life and can't imagine getting to this point without her!" 

-Sarah B.

Ways  to   Work  with  Shannon...

Second Act Accelerator Course

Take part in this self-paced course designed to teach you how to take action and get your business off the ground.

1.  Follow a self-paced course full of modules and resources to help you plan your next steps to launch and grow your business.

2.  Join bi-monthly Q&A Calls with Shannon

3. Meet with Shannon for a one-on-one Coaching Call 

4. Network and get support in our Private Community

Career Clarity Collective Membership

Join a membership of like-minded women as you get inspired and plan how to leave your corporate job and start a business!

1.  Bi-Weekly Group Coaching Calls

2.  Monthly Masterclasses

3.  New Monthly Resources

4.  Access to our Private Community for accountability and support

let's chat!
get started!
Book a discovery call
Join Now!

YouMap® Assessment Profile

YouMap® is a profile that outlines your strengths, skills, values, and personality, and is a valuable tool to help you reach your goals.

1.  Take the YouMap® and receive a personalized profile 

2.  Join Shannon for two 1:1 coaching sessions to debrief your results and discuss how your YouMap® can work for you.

3.  Receive a Workbook and guides to help you utilize your YouMap® in various areas of your life. 

Get your

Get 1:1 Coaching with Shannon to launch and grow your business.

1.  Meet with Shannon for 8 weeks of 1:1 coaching calls, as you focus on goals to accelerate, market, and scale your business.

2.  Take a YouMap® Assessment to learn more about your unique strengths, skills, and values as you map out your business venture. 

3.  Have continued access to Shannon in between sessions via the voice/text Voxer app

1:1 Business Coaching

I had a successful career as a Television Producer in the entertainment industry for 16 years, but I needed a change to be more present for my family. It was a lonely process trying to figure out my next step with two little ones and no idea of what to do. Eventually, I decided to seize the unknown and "produce" my life instead of working for others.  I opened a small business franchise in my community, and it has brought nothing but joy and freedom into my life ever since. 

Now, I am a certified Career & Business Coach, and I founded Second Act Success, a career coaching business and podcast to help women produce a balanced life of abundance. Together,
we work together to plan a second act career or business perfectly fit for you. I am your accountability partner as pursue this path towards a career transition that fits you.

Whether it's a new career, a job change, or starting a business, let's take the first step towards a producing second act success for you!

i can help because
i've been where you are!

Book a
Discovery Call

Let's Talk!

An assessment for
Business Owners & Career Changers

YouMap® turns insight into action, guiding career changers and entrepreneurs as they take steps towards goals much quicker.  

Why YouMap®?

YouMap® reveals how to apply your strengths in ways you value and engage your interests through skills that motivate you. This holistic assessment profile is a foundation of self-awareness for endless personal and professional uses. 

YouMap® is an award-winning profile which includes a companion workbook for entrepreneurs, career changers, and job seekers to turn insights into practical action as they progress on their path.

get clarity on career & business goals

What Is YouMap®?

client testimonial:

“YouMap® helped me to better understand the "why" behind wanting to start my own business. In the process I learned more about myself and I could focus more on my goals and how to plan, grow, and market my small business in the best way.  I felt more confident after leaving my 9-5 job and now I know my business will scale and I can run it feeling strong and sure of myself."



Take the
YouMap® Assessment!


It is time you finally did that thing
you've always wanted to do. 
Let's make it happen!
I am here to support you
as you go from
where you are now
to where you want to be!

real talk:

"When making the change from the demanding "professional" world to being a stay at home mom, I found my passion behind a lens. I was all over the place, then I found Shannon. She was everything I never knew I was looking for! When I first started my second career, things were hectic and I wasn't always 100% sure what my next step should be. As any amazing coach should do, Shannon helped me streamline my focus, promote my best self, endure through the trying moments, and she has truly been one of my biggest cheerleaders. Shannon, as my coach was the shoulder I didn't even realize I needed to lean on! I truly wouldn't be where I am today without her sound advice, creative strategies, and most importantly her extremely valued friendship!"
                                                                             -Christina G. 

CLient testimonial:

Christina Greenberg,
The Littlest Detail Photography